Osteopathy is an effective and non-invasive form of manual medicine dedicated to the assessment, diagnosis, treatment and management of musculoskeletal conditions and injuries. Osteopaths believe that the body is a unit and are focused on identifying the fundamental cause of your condition by taking a holistic approach. They work to maximise the body’s function, reducing pain, restoring movement patterns, and working with the patient on injury prevention strategies.
Osteopathic treatment encompasses a combination of manual techniques such as stretching, massage, myofascial release and the manipulation of muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons to restore balance to the body’s systems. Hands-on therapy is combined with exercise rehabilitation prescription and advice on how to best manage your condition. Osteopaths are trained to recognise when your pain is not musculoskeletal in nature and requires a referral to another medical professional. They are also trained to perform standard examinations of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, as well as having the ability to refer you off for imaging (x-rays, CT scans, MRI, etc) as required.
In Australia, osteopaths are government-registered primary health practitioners, having completed a minimum of 4.5 years university training in anatomy, physiology, pathology, general medical diagnosis, and osteopathic techniques.
Do I need a referral from my doctor / specialist to see an osteopath? Osteopaths are Primary Healthcare Practitioners, meaning you do not need a referral from a doctor or specialist to access osteopathic care. We do however accept referrals from GPs and/or specialists in cases of a GP Management Plan or Team Care Arrangements.
Osteopaths commonly see people for the following conditions:
For more information on whether an osteopath is the right practitioner for you, contact us today!
Osteopathy is generally considered a safe and non-invasive treatment, performed by highly skilled health practitioners. Osteopaths are able to comprehensively assess risk and “red flags” to treatment. However, as with all medical treatments, there is always a possibility of unwanted side effects, although the risk is minor with osteopathy. The most common side effect is mild to moderate post-treatment soreness, lasting 24-48 hours. Your practitioner will discuss potential risks to treatment with you before commencing treatment and informed consent is needed to proceed.
Osteopaths are Primary Healthcare Practitioners, meaning you do not need a referral to access osteopathic care. All you need to do is book an appointment online or give us a call!
We do however accept referrals from GPs and/or specialists in cases of a GP Management Plan or Team Care Arrangements.
Private health fund rebates are available at the time of payment via our HICAPS machine at reception, for those with ‘extras’ cover for osteopathic care. Please check your cover directly with your private health fund.
Osteopathic appointments can be covered by Medicare, if you are eligible for the chronic disease management (CDM) care plan. You may be eligible for this if you are suffering from chronic pain. If eligible you must visit a GP and they can then write up your plan and include a referral to your osteopath. This can provide you with up to five osteopathic treatments per year rebated by Medicare. If you are unsure if you qualify for this, please feel free to contact your osteopath for further information, or speak to your GP.
We at Exceed Health Hub have made it our mission to provide total patient-centred care encompassed in a safe and homely environment. Our sole focus is to achieve exceptional outcomes that not only meet, but exceed, the expectations of our clients.